

Best Answer Its a reverse dictionary website

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Q: What is a website where you can type in the definition and find the word?
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Where is a website where you can type in the definition and find the word?

Is there a website where you can type in the definition and it will give you the word?

Where can one find a definition of the word management?

You can find a definition of the word "management" at the official Dictionary website. Once on the page, type "Management" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

Where is a Website where you can type the definition and get the word?

Google - online dictionary

Is there any website or software with which you can find one word for a sentence?

DictionaryThey call them dictionarys... dry where you can type a definition and find the word that best matches ;) great technology we have ay... wow... dictionarysDictionaryThey call them dictionarys... dry where you can type a definition and find the word that best matches ;) great technology we have ay... wow... dictionarysDictionaryThey call them dictionarys... try where you can type a definition and find the word that best matches ;) great technology we have ay... wow... dictionarysDude, you're stupid . . . . they're asking for a place where you type a word and it gives you a sentence with it you big DUMBO . . . . . . Oh and by the way, you spelled dictionaries wrong!

What is the definition of the word evoked?

The definition of the word "Evoked" is to bring to or recall the conscious mind. You can find more definitions for words online at The Free Dictionary website.

Where can one find information on engulf?

You can find information on engulf at the The Free Dictioanry website. Once on the page, type "engulf" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the definition of the word.

Where can you find an internet site where you can type in a word like unique and find a word meaning in the dictionary that isn't a definition of that word but words that mean that word?

Where might a person find the definition of the word asinine?

There will be many places to find the definition of asinine. Dictionary the website, marriam webster, urban dictionary are all places to go online. A hand held dictionary will also have this definition.

Where can someone find definitions of words online?

There are several dictionaries in the internet where one can type in a word whose definition you want to find. Otherwise visiting a library and looking for a dictionary book could be useful to find a definition of a certain word.

Where online can one find a definition of the word 'quartile'?

The website known as businessdictionary, the website known as thefreedictionary and the merriam-webster website all offer a definition of the word quartile. Which is an equal four way division of an object or time period for example the first quartile of the year is January, February and March.

How can you use Google most effectively to find a meaning of a word?

Type "define: (the word you want defined)" into the box. For example, to find the definition of the word "cat," the command is define: cat .