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That is known as a factor.

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Q: What is a whole number that is multiplied by another whole number to equal a product?
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=== === No === ===

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In that case, the product will be the same as the original number.

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When any number is multiplied by one it is equal to itself. A prime number can only be the product of 1 multiplied by itself, and of no other numbers. Example: 1x3=3 1x5=5

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A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

If a is a negative number then a multiplied by the quantity 1 divided by a end of quantity is blank equal to negative 1. If a is a negative number and b is a negative number then product a multiplied?


What is the product of a number and its reciprocal?

The product would be 1, unless the number is zero in which case there is no solution because no number can be multiplied by zero and equal 1.

What is 1x0 equal?

When any number is multiplied by zero, the product is zero.

Is 10 a multiple of 4?

No. Four can not be multiplied by another whole number and equal ten.

When a whole number is multiplied by a fraction equal to one what will happen to it?

it will equal whatever number you multiplied it by