A lot of times. I can not tell you how much exactly but probably more than 100!
17 out of 100 is exactly 17% Per cent means out of 100!
It is exactly 23700
'Exactly' is an ADVERB. Reason it ends in '-ly'.
Your word is: "Identical" !
A 100-word composition is often referred to as a "drabble." Drabbles are very short stories that consist of exactly 100 words, challenging writers to convey a complete narrative or idea within the constrained word limit.
The base word for "exactly" is "exact."
exactly like thatThe word is spelled exactly. Exact is the base word and "-ly" is the suffix.
There are exactly 100 pence in 100 (p).
I' not 100% sure, but i think it mean's "no". Mabey you just didn't hear exactly what it said.
The word "percent" literally means "per hundred".So 4 per hundred is exactly 4 percent.
Well, not exactly. "I'm sorry" is exactly equal to "I apologize."
Easy. Use 100 5-cent coins.
Exactly as in the question 100
Exactly 100 of them
A lot of times. I can not tell you how much exactly but probably more than 100!
17 out of 100 is exactly 17% Per cent means out of 100!