Writing has two syllables.
When writing an essay always use the word not the number so use six.
For security, eg on cheques...
7.077 = seven and seventy-seven thousandths.
my win in the class but not idea me win a mos
The African Luhya word for 'writing' is "Okhuandika".
Another word for angle in writing is slant or bias.
It is useful because it prevents you from having to use the same word over and over and adds variety to your work. (That being said, you shouldn't just go through and replace words in your writing with big, "impressive" words as people will see through that and your writing will not be as fluid.)
enigmatic writing/cryptic writing /coded writing
The word "fluid" can be either a noun or an adjective, depending on how it is used in a sentence.
There is a cap that says transmission fluid only on it. It should have yellow or red writing.
Yes, as in the phrase, writing paper.
I am writing an example sentence.
Writing has two syllables.