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Q: What is a word that has the same meaning as Hindu Arabic numerals?
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How do you write Hindu Arabic numerals?

The system is the same as our modern system, since we derived our numbers from them.

What is CCLXIV in Hindu Arabic numerals?

The C is 100 and the L is 50. This would be the same as 264.

Are American and Arabic numerals the same?

The quick answer is yes. All the characters 0123456789 are derived from Arabic numerals that had the same meaning. The modern American versions of those numerals are very similar to the Arabic originals.

What are the advantages of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system over the Roman numeral system?

It contains a zero figure for place value purposes thus limiting the size of numerals for a given value. Foe example in Hindu-Arabic numerals 88 only uses two numerals but the same value in Roman numerals is LXXXVIII which uses eight numerals.

What is ccclix Hindu-Arabic numerals?

The C represents 100 and the L is for 50. That would mean it is the same as 359.

What is MDCXLII in hindu arabic numerals?

This uses all but one of the possible Roman symbols. This would be the same as 1642.

What is the biggest difference between Roman Numerals and Hindu Arabic Numerals?

There are two major differences between Roman Numerals and Hindu-Arabic numerals, and together they make the Hindu-Arabic system superior for must applications. First, Hindu-Arabic numbers use placement within a number to indicate a higher value. For example, in the number 256, the "5" indicates five tens and the "2" indicates two hundred units. The same numerals in a different order represent a totally different number, as for example, 562, which represents five hundreds, six tens and two singles. Roman numbers make little use of the order in which numerals are presented. Second, Hindu-Arabic numerals include a symbol for zero, while the Roman system completely lacks that. The zero is used as a place holder in such numbers as 1028, indicating one thousand, no hundreds, two tens and eight singles. This place holder allows aligning of several numbers and makes addition and subtraction easier, and multiplication and division so much easier that calculations can be done with Hindu numerals that are simply impossible with Roman numerals.The Hindu Arabic system is different from Roman numerals cause Hindu Arabic has place value but Roman numerals do not

What is the Afghanistan's number system?

Most people in Afghanistan use an eastern version of the Hindu-Arabic numerals. The western Arabic numerals, the same ones used in English-speaking countries, are also widely used in Afghanistan.

Why did they create Hindu Arabic numerals?

For the same reasons that we need a numeracy system today which is based on the Hindu-Arabic numeral system that was a lot easier than the Roman numeral system that it replaced.

What is the equivalent Hindu Arabic of mxclviii?

There is no equivalent because they are an invalid arrangement of Roman numerals but if you meant mclxviii which is the same as MCLXVIII then it would be 1168

What is the meaning of the Arabic name hina in Malayalam?

In Malayalam, the Arabic name "Hina" is often transliterated as "Hindu," which is a term used to refer to someone who practices Hinduism. It does not carry the same meaning as the Arabic name.

How do you write 1024 in Arabic numerals?

Arabic numerals are the numerals we use every day, so 1024 remains the same