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Q: What is absolute gain?
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How do leaders gain power in an absolute monarchy?

they get elected(not)

How absolute monarchs gain power 1500?

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How did Fedrick William gain absolute power in Prussia?

by birth right

How did the magna carta effect English kings to gain absolute power?

After Magna Carta English Kings no longer had absolute power

How is an absolute return involved with investments?

An absolute return is involved with investments by the measure of gain or loss that is expressed as a percentage in the invest of a business capitals.

How you determine the absolute power gain in unitless and decibel (dB) when the input power level is 100mW and output power level is 20 watts?

The absolute power gain is the output power divided by the input power, in this case 20 / 0.1 or 200. In decibels this is 10 log 200 which is 23 dBs.

Why were absolute monarchs needed?

Absolute monarchs were not needed. It simply happened. When Charles I became an absolute monarch, he lost his head. When James II of England became an absolute monarch, he escaped England with his life. No one was willing to fight on his behalf. Kings simply try to gain more power for themselves just as presidents do.

What were the characteristics of Prussia?

The kings of Prussia ruled as an absolute monarchy from 1701-1740. A strong army helped the rulers gain power.

Did Adolf Hitler support the Weimar Republic?

He supported it long enough to get himself voted into office and to legally gain absolute power. Afterwards he dissolved that government.

What year Canada became completely independent in?

Canada became a Dominion in 1867, but did not gain complete and absolute independence until 1982

Who is the villain in King Lear?

Edmund, who is the illegitimate son of Gloucester, is one of the villains of King Lear. He incriminates his brother and tries to gain absolute power. Goneril and Regan, King Lear's two eldest daughters, are also villains. They collude with Edmund to gain power for themselves.

How was Ivan IV's use of absolute rule different from Ivan III's?

Ivan 'Grozny' was the first Russian ruler to take the title Czar (from Caesar). Ivan was only 3 years old when his father died in 1533. He was able to dictate the terms of his reinstatement and gain almost absolute power.