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Q: What is advantages RO to DM plant?
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What is the use of SMBS in RO Plant?

Sodium metabisulfite (SMBS) is used in reverse osmosis (RO) plants as a reducing agent to remove chlorine and chloramines from the feed water. These chemicals can damage the RO membranes, so SMBS helps protect them from degradation and prolong their lifespan. SMBS also helps to prevent biological growth in the RO system.

What is obr of dm plant?

The Outflow Bypass Recycle (OBR) of a DM (Demineralization) plant is a system used to divert a portion of the treated water from the outlet back into the inlet for further treatment. This process helps in improving the overall efficiency of the demineralization plant by enhancing the purity of the outlet water.

What id the meaning of recovery ratio in RO desalination plant?

It is the ratio of permeate over the feed water.

What happens if you hear ro ro ro ro in front of the arrow thing?

If you hear the ro! ro! ro! ro! sound in front of the arrow thing the arrow thing will eat you!

When was Angela Ro Ro born?

Angela Ro Ro was born in 1949.

What is a Ro Ro jetty?

Ro Ro is a "Roll On, Roll Off Vessel"

What does ebb and flow system mean?

It means when you combine two things together ro make a plant and hydroponics.

Advantages and disadvantaged of airbus A380?

RI Rnow that the Risadvantage rs their rize rnd reight. rirports rt ros rngeles rnd emphis rnd ro rengthen rheir runways ror rhe r380. rhe rarking ramp ras ro re rtrengthened rso ro rarry rhe rhight.

What are the advantages of layering a plant?

Advantages Hybrid breeding Hardiness Precocity Maintain consistency

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What is ro ro jetty?

A ro ro jetty is a construction of a wharf where vehicles can make their way on and off. It is called ro ro because it is a "roll on roll off" construction.