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Q: What is after googleplexian?
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Write the googleplexian number as a power of ten?

Googolplexian: The worlds largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googolplex of zeros.Googolplex: The second largest number with a name. A "1" followed by a googol of zeros.Googol: A large number. A "1" followed by one hundred googol=10^(100);1googleplex=10^(1 googol)1 googleplexian=10^(1 googleplex)thats the best i could ...anyone else wanna give it try go ahead!Solving in steps...10^10^10^10010^10^1 googol10^ 1 googolplex1 googleplexian

Which is the highest roman number?

A googleplexian being the highest number in existance, that would be the highest roman number. But I believe you mean highest roman numeral, which would be an M with a line over it, meaning 1,000,000.

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it is a supernova. the sound made at the source is heard over 2 light years away and is enough to make and provokely procedefity the yuity matter of the earths ghiuyteriyuvic phenomenyiuy crust, avarusy giuying nometypol and guytheirig spendut of a googleplexian earths

What does googolplex look like in numbers?

googol = 10 to the power of 100. googolplex = 10 to the power of googol LOL, so basically 10,000 zeros lmao, and a googleplexian is even worse for your brain to comprehend LMAOOO 10 to the power of f*****g GOOGOLPLEX Grahams number is well... just a lot... TREE (3) is more than grahams number, a loooooot.....

How many zeros in a googleplexian?

A googol is 10 to the power of 100, and a googolplex is 10 to the power of a googol (or 10 to the power of 10^100). A googolplexian is 10 to the power of a googolplex, which is a number so large it's practically incomprehensible. The number of zeros in a googolplexian would be a 1 followed by a googolplex number of zeros.

What comes after googleplex?

The next whole number after [ 1 googleplex ] is [ 1 googleplex + 1 ]. But I don't think that's what you're looking for. Try this: 10100 = 1 followed by 100 zeros = 1 google 10google = 1 followed by 1 google zeros = 1 googleplex 10googleplex = 1 followed by 1 googleplex zeros = 1 googleplexian. I know that there are weird numbers larger than that, but I don't know what they are, or anything about them.

What is the bigger numberdefinable by a word millinillion googolplex or is there an even bigger number that can be definable by a word?

The proposed next number is Millimillion, 10^3006, then Millibillion, Millitrillion, and so on. ---- Here are also some big, but not-in-illion-series numbers: Millinillion = 10^3003 Googleplex 10^10^100 Googleplex is bigger by about 10^96 times but there is Googleplexian = 10^10^10^100 A Googleplexian goes past both of them by a factor of over 1099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 There is also Graham's Number. You can look it up on wikipedia, or read my explanation of it below. Let me begin by instantiating some variables. G = Graham's Number G = g64 The lower case 'g' represents how far you are into the algorithm that determines Graham's Number. When you are 64 steps into the algorithm starting from 'g1', then you have hit Graham's Number. So the 2 questions are, what is the algorithm, and what is g1? To answer what g1 is, follow this explanation. 3^3 = 27. The '^' represents an exponent. Now imagine this. 3^27 OR 3^(3^3) That's 3 to the (3 to the 3rd power) power. Make sense? For the purpose of this, we are going to notate this a little bit differently. 3^(3^3) = 3^^3 3^^3 = about 7.6 Trillion. Now let's take this a step further. 3^^^3 = 3^(3^(3^3)) 3^^^3 = 3 to the about 7.6 trillionth power.... ~about a 140 trillion digit number. Now let's do the unthinkable... 3^^^^3 That's right, 4 carats. It's unimaginable, but that is the value of g1. Now. If you thought that was rediculous, here's the algorithm. to get g2, you need to do the following. g2 = 3^^^^...g1 amount of carrots...^^^^^3 To determine any form of gn, you just take the previous form of g (gn-1), and use that many carrots in the form of: gn = 3^^^^...g(n-1) amount of carrots....^^^^^3 When you get up to g64, you will finally have reached Graham's Number. Keep in mind that g1 is far, far more than a googolplex, and g2 is borderline unfathomable. So to even think about g64 is utter insanity.