In the US system, the next place to the left has a value of one billion to under ten billion, or units of billions. Then there is tens of billions, and hundreds of billions.
One hundred and twenty lakhs.
seven million five hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and ninety
Seven hundred thousand
4 Six million, four hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred
one hundred million
One hundred and twenty lakhs.
seven million five hundred and eleven thousand six hundred and ninety
it is in the hundred million place
The value of the 4 is 400 million. It's in the hundred million place value.
Ten-million, Hundred- million, Billion, Ten-Billion, Hundred-Billion, Trillion.
Seven hundred thousand
To the nearest hundred million
The place value of a digit in a number is determined by its position within the number. In the number 9876543210, the place value of the digit 9 is 9 billion (9,000,000,000) as it is in the billions place. The place value of the digit 8 is 800 million (800,000,000) as it is in the hundred millions place. Similarly, each digit in the number has a specific place value based on its position.
4 Six million, four hundred and eighteen thousand, six hundred
one hundred million
Half a million in words is "five hundred thousand." This is because each digit in the number represents a specific place value: the "5" is in the hundred thousands place, the "0" is in the ten thousands place, and the "0" is in the thousands place. Therefore, when written out in words, half a million is expressed as "five hundred thousand."
The left side 4 has a value of four hundred million. The right side 4 has a value of forty. * * * * * Also, the place value of the left side 4 is hundred millions. The right side 4 has a place value of tens.