A prime number can be less than 20, but it is not a requirement that the number has to be under 20 to be considered prime. Here is a list of all the prime numbers under 20: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19 .
The smallest prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 2.The smallest multi-digit prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 23.
It is always 1 and the prime number itself.
The number 1 and the prime number itself.
No, all prime numbers are deficient.
A prime number can be less than 20, but it is not a requirement that the number has to be under 20 to be considered prime. Here is a list of all the prime numbers under 20: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19 .
no, not all prime numbers are closed under addition. why? because, when you add 2 prime numbers you will not always get a prime number. example: 5+3= 8 5 and 3 are prime numbers but their sum is 8 which is a composite number..
The smallest prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 2.The smallest multi-digit prime number in which all of the digits are also prime is 23.
So we eliminate prime numbers. Note that the number 1 is neither prime nor composite. We have left:4689101214151618202122242526272830323334353638394042444546484950515254555657586062636465666869707274757677788081828485868788909192939495969899100
It is always 1 and the prime number itself.
47 is already a prime number.
No, all prime numbers are deficient.
The prime numbers under 16 are 2,3,5,7,11 & 13.
A prime number is one that is only divisible by 1 and itself. Just work out if it divides into anything. To do this try dividing the number by all prime numbers under its half way value.
The number 1 and the prime number itself.
Ur mu m Isn't this great? She's had sooooo many children, they are all her factors
No, all prime numbers are deficient.