That's a unit of volume. cc (cubic centimeters) is the same as milliliter. If you want to convert that to liters, you can divide by 1000.
A cylinder with a radius of 6.5 centimeters and a height of 10 centimeters has a volume of 1,327.32 cubic centimeters.
The volume is 62.83cm3
The volume is 25.133 cm3
Volume = 136,093.79375 cm3
Sorry, your question is not valid as centimeters is a unit of length and milliliters of volume. If you mean cubic centimeters, one of these is exactly the same quantity as one milliliter.
No. A gram is a unit of mass. Centimeters cubed is a unit of volume. A milliliter is equivalent volume to a cubic centimeter, though.Common units of density are grams/milliliter or grams/cm3, which are equivalent.
1cc (cubic centimeter) and 1mL (milliliter) are the same volume.
You can use unit conversions to get a better idea of the size of 20 cubic centimeters. For example, 20 cubic centimeters is the equivalent of 20 milliliters, or 0.02 liters. Twenty cubic centimeters is also equal to 1.22 cubic inches.
1 milliliter of water has a volume of exactly 1 milliliter, which is equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter.
A liter is a measurement of volume. (Distance cubed) It is equivalent to one thousand cubic centimeters.
Cubic centimeters is a measure of volume.
Yes, 25 milliliters is equivalent to 25 cubic centimeters (cm3), so it is not the same as 2.5 cubic centimeters.
The volume 36 centimeters times 30 centimeters times 54 centimeters = 58,320 cubic centimeters.
Cubic centimeters are commonly used to measure volume, particularly for smaller objects such as containers, liquids, or solids. It is equivalent to the volume of a cube that is 1 centimeter on each side.
The volume of one milliliter of anything is 1 milliliter.
One liter is equal to 1000 cubic centimeters, not 10. A liter is a standard unit of volume in the metric system, and it is equivalent to 1000 milliliters or 1 cubic decimeter.