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the equater

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Q: What is am imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth?
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What is the imaginary horizontal line that goes around the middle of the earth called?

The imaginary horizontal line that goes around the middle of the earth is called the equator.

Is the equator an imaginary line around which the earth rotates?

The equator is an imaginary line which indicates where the middle of the earth is and it goes around.

What do we call the imaginary line that circles the Earth's middle?

The imaginary line that circles the Earth's middle is called the equator. It divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

What is the imaginary line that goes from pole to pole through the interior of the earth?

The imaginary line that goes from pole to pole through the interior of the Earth is called the Earth's axis. It is an imaginary line around which the Earth rotates, and it is inclined at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees from the perpendicular to the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun.

What is an imaginary line in the middle of the sky called?

An imaginary line in the middle of the sky is called the celestial equator. It is an extension of the Earth's equator into space and divides the sky into northern and southern hemispheres. This line is important in astronomy for coordinates and locating celestial objects.

Which country is near to equator?

The Equator is an imaginary line that goes around the middle of the Earth. There are several lines that the Equator passes through. The easiest to remember is probably Ecuador as there is only one letter difference!

What imaginary line goes through a planet?

The Equator is an imaginary line that goes through a planet, dividing it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the name of the imaginary line that run around the center of earth?

The horizontal line that goes around the "waist" of the Earth is the Equator. The vertical line that goes vertically around the Earth, through the poles, is the Prime Meridian.

What is the name of the imaginary line runs around the center of earth?

The horizontal line that goes around the "waist" of the Earth is the Equator. The vertical line that goes vertically around the Earth, through the poles, is the Prime Meridian.

Does earth revolve on its axis?

Earth does not revolve on it's axis. Well maybe, but an axis is an imaginary line that goes through a body form pole to pole.

10. Imaginary line that goes around the earth?


What is Earth's equator?

The Equator is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole that divides the Earth into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere. an imaginary line dividing the earth in half horizontally ^ The Equator is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole that divides the Earth into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere. The band around the middle of the Earth, separating the northern from the southern hemispheres. Earths equator is an imaginary line equally distant from both Pole's. It goes horizontally around Earth's middle. ^ It is also the point where both 0 degrees latitude and longitude orginate.This areas also reseives the most sunglican anually and is home to a region referred to as the Tropics.