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Q: What is an American Alligator eggs width and length?
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Where do female alligator eggs come from?

Female alligator eggs are fertilized internally by a male alligator through a process called copulation. After mating, the female alligator lays the fertilized eggs in a nest that she builds using mud, vegetation, and other materials to protect the eggs until they hatch.

Is the alligator a mammal?

No, alligators are not mammals. They are reptiles. Mammals are characterized by giving live birth, having hair or fur, and feeding their young with milk. Alligators lay eggs and have scales, not fur.

Does an alligator give birth to live babies?

No, alligator babies hatch from eggs.

Does alligator are babies hatched from eggs?

Yes, indeed they are born from eggs.

Where does the alligator come from?

alligators come from eggs and the eggs come from their mothers'

How is a alligator born?

female alligator fertalizes an egg then lays multiple eggs on land

How many eggs does an alligator have?

10 to 50

Are alligator gars eggs toxic?


How do you make alligator?

Two alligators have sex. The girl alligator then lays eggs, and they hatch out little baby alligators. You can't be a part of making an alligator unless you are an alligator.

Why is an American alligator a reptile?

The alligator is classified as a reptile because it meets all the criteria for that class of animal. It is air breathing, lays shelled eggs, has skin covered with scales, has four limbs, is cold-blooded, and does not have a water-dwelling larval stage.

What animal lays 9 cm eggs?

Emus are known to lay eggs 13.5 cm in length and 9 cm in width. Compared to the Ostrich, Ostrich eggs on average are about 15.4 cm long and 12.9 cm wide.