An aircraft which is yawing is rotating around a vertical axis through its centre such that it nose points more to the left or right.
Yawing means to swerve off course or move unsteadily. Here are some sentences.The boat is yawing all over the harbor.His path is yawing off course.You're yawing like you were drunk.
How is the yawing in a glider detected?
Yawing is a nautical term that means temporarily swerving off course.
'Yaw' is a side to side movement of the nose of the aircraft.
It stops all the air comin in ur mouth
how does yawing provice the body mopre oxygen
Turning an airplane can either be done by banking the plane or yawing it.
agape gawking gawping yawing yawning wide, great, open, broad, vast, cavernous
Yes , it is the present participle form of the verb yawn yawn yawns yawned yawning
It is not really contagious because its not a decease, but it does make you want to yawn when you see someone do it. For most people at least.!
the yaw of an aircraft is controlled by the rudder pedals.