Oddly enough, an acre was not defined as a square, but as a rectangle -- for example a long, thin parcel of farmland that would be plowed in long furrows.
It is 1/640th of a square mile, or 4840 square yards, or 43560 square feet.
The simplest designation uses the obsolete units chain (66 feet) and furlong (660 feet or 10 chains or 1/8 mile). Thus an acre is 1 chain by 1 furlong, or 10 square chains, and may have been established as about a day's plowing for an ox.
The 1/640th of a mile can be seen in that there are 80 chains to a mile and 8 furlongs to a mile, a unit still seen in various horse race distances today.
The SI unit comparable to the acre is a hectare (10000 m2), which is about 2.47 acres.
1 acre = 40.468564224 are
1 acre is equal to 0.404 hectare.
For 1 Acre is equal to 100 cents. 1 Acre is equal to 40 Guntas. 1 Gunta is equal to 2.5 cents.
One Acre is equal to 14,520 square feet.
1 meter2=0.000247105381 of an acre
an acre is equal to 4046.8564224 metres
1 Acre is equal too ;4046.95 metre243561.32 feet24840.15 yard2
1 acre = 40.468564224 are
1 acre is equal to 1600 cottah in West Bengal, India.
One acre is equal to 43,560 square feet.
75% of an acre is equal to 32,670 square feet.
1 acre is equal to 0.404 hectare.
1 acre is equal to approximately 8 kanals.
An acre is equal to 4,840 square yards.
For 1 Acre is equal to 100 cents. 1 Acre is equal to 40 Guntas. 1 Gunta is equal to 2.5 cents.
An acre is a constant unit of measurement - an acre of anything is equal to an acre of anything else.
One sixth of an acre is approximately 2,420 square feet.