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Q: What is an advantage of a precipitation map over tables of the same data?
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What is the advantage of denormalization over normalization?

If you meant disadvantage of normalization then these are the answer for your query. More tables to join: By spreading out your data into more tables, you increase the need to join tables. Tables contain codes instead of real data: Repeated data is stored as codes rather than meaningful data. Therefore, there is always a need to go to the lookup table for the value. Data model is difficult to query against: The data model is optimized for applications, not for ad hoc querying.

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its sick blad

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number of digits that can be included

What are the advantages of rdbms over dbms?

RDBMS is a Relational Data Base Management System Relational DBMS. This adds the additional condition that the system supports a tabular structure for the data, with enforced relationships between the tables. This excludes the databases that don't support a tabular structure or don't enforce relationships between tables.

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economic trends

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They can preserve individual data values.

What are the advantage of rain gauge?

An advantage of rain gauge is that it easily allows for the measurement of precipitation over a period of time. It also allows precipitation to be obtained for the analysis of possible pollutants.

What two types of information are found on a climagraph?

A climagraph typically displays both temperature and precipitation data for a specific location over a period of time, often a year. The temperature data is represented through a line graph, while the precipitation data is shown as a bar graph.

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higher data ratecheaperlighter weighteasier to maintain

Advantage of quantitative technique over qualitative technique?

In Quantitative technique, the researcher's aim is to classify data in graphs, tables, or texts (Others use statistics in doing this) The variables needed in the study are carefully designed. In gathering data, a researcher may use questionnaires, interview method, or survey. This technique is effective especially in testing hypotheses.

What advantage does an entity bean have over a session bean?

An entity bean represents non-persistent data.

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disk storage-> direct data access storage tape storage -> serial data access storage