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if you were going to live inamerica you wouldn't have to learn a completely new number system

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Q: What is an advantage of having one predominant number system?
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What is the advantage of having the binary number system to represent data inside the computer instead of the decimal number system?

They use the binary sysem because the number 1 means the switch is turned on and the number 0 means the switch is off. There is no way to use the decimal number system.

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What is equal to the ideal mechanical advantage of a pulley system?

The ideal mechanical advantage of a pulley system is two times the number of pulleys in the system. This is the amount of force required to get the system moving.

Does a block and tackle has a mechanical advantage of 4?

No, a block and tackle system can have a mechanical advantage greater than 4, depending on the number of pulleys used in the system. The mechanical advantage of a block and tackle is calculated by dividing the number of sections of rope supporting the load by the number of sections of rope that you pull on.

What is a predominant system?

The one that is being used the most out of the three

What is the advantage of decimal number system to binary number system?

The decimal representation of numbers is shorter. Binary number require approx 3.3 times as many digits.

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It makes it much easier to copy a floppy disk.

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How can we analyaze the mechanical advantage of a pulley system?

To analyze the mechanical advantage of a pulley system, you calculate it by dividing the output force (load) by the input force (applied force). The mechanical advantage of a pulley system is equal to the number of rope sections supporting the load. More rope sections mean a greater mechanical advantage.