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It is an exterior angle and an interior angle plus an exterior angle add up to 180 degrees

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Q: What is an angle formed outside a quadrilateral?
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Is a right angle a quadrilateral?

No... a quadrilateral is a figure of 4 sides. Trapzoid, square, diamond.... get the picture? A right angle is an angle. It is formed by two lines intersecting. They don't even necessarily make a shape.

What is diagonal of quadrilateral?

A quadrilateral is an object formed by four straight lines - two of which meet at an angle. A diagonal is one of the lines which go from one angle to the one other angle in the quadrilateral which it is not already connected to. If the angles of the quadrilateral are A, B, C and D, and A is connected by a straight line to B and D then the diagonal is a line between A and C. A--B | \ | D--C

A quadrilateral with no right angles is?

a quadrilateral with no right angle is?

What is the measurement of quadrilateral angle?

A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides... It doesn't have *one* angle. The sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral will always be 360 degrees, however, it is impossible to know the value an individual angle of a quadrilateral with the information given.

If a quadrilateral has an angle of more than 180 what type of quadrilateral could it be?

A chevron (arrowhead) is a quadrilateral with one angle of more than 1800.

Is an exterior angle of a quadrilateral is 90 degrees?

is an exterior angle of a quadrilateral always sometime or never 90 degrees

What is a quadrilateral with 1 right angle 1 obtuse angle and 2 acute angles?

It is just an irregular quadrilateral.

What is the largest angle in quadrilateral?

Any angle <360 degrees is possible, though it would be a concave quadrilateral if the angle were greater than 180 deg.

Interior angle of a convex quadrilateral?

The following are angles in a convex quadrilateral: Angle A = 80 degrees Angle B = 98 degree Angle C = 70 degrees What is the measure of the missing angle?

How do you find the measure of an interior angle in a quadrilateral inscibed in a circle?

There is no specific limitation on any one angle of an inscribed quadrilateral.

A quadrilateral were each angle is a right angle?

That is called a rectangle.

A quadrilateral where each angle is a right angle?

A rectangle or a square.