first: you have to find the LCM of the two denominators. (8)
second: you convert both fractions to the new denominator but having same value (becomes 1/8 + 2/8)
third:add the like terms
An eighth of and inch is half of a quarter of an inch!
Two One-eighth + one-eighth = one quarter
the answer is 1/8th
NO A fourth (quarter) is twice one eighth
Two eighth notesOne quarter note is one beat
An eighth of and inch is half of a quarter of an inch!
Two eighth notes are equal to one quarter note.
another eighth note because: a quarter + a half=3 beats + eighth = 3 1/2 beats so add another eighth and u get 4 beats.
Quarter, eighth, eighth, half
Two One-eighth + one-eighth = one quarter
There are 3 eighth notes in a dotted quarter note.
how many rhythms can a dotted quarter note , quarter note and Pair of eighth notes
I believe the quarter note equals 42, but I'm not really sure.
the answer is 1/8th