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Q: What is an element of art that describes the area above below or within shape or form?
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What are the best sentences for the words above below and within?

The woman put newspaper within cupboards above and below the counter top.Within some religions, hell is below us and heaven is above us. I planned to put the trim from within the box above and below my window.

An element in the activity series can replace any element in?

An element can only replace elements below it in an activity series. This means that element can displace the ions of elements listed below it but not those above it.

How can you predict the placement of an unknown element on a periodic table based on physical an chemical properties?

You look at trends. An element is likely to have properties somewhere between the element above it and the element below it; if there's nothing below it (or above it), then you can follow the general trend up (or down) that column and extrapolate.

How can you use boiling points and melting points to determine a solid liquid or gas that an element would be in at a certain temperature?

By comparing the temperature to the melting point and boiling point of the element, you can determine what state it would be in. If the temperature is below the melting point, the element would be a solid. If the temperature is between the melting and boiling points, the element would be a liquid. If the temperature is above the boiling point, the element would be a gas.

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What term describes an erosional surface bounded above by flat-lying sedimentary rocks and below by igneous or metamorphic rocks?

Angular unconformity.

What term describes the number of the individuals of a population that are of reproduction age as well as those above and below the reproduction age?

Female population

Which number in an element box on the periodic table is the atomic number?

The atomic number is the whole number indicating the number of protons. It is usually directly above or below the element symbol.

What element is below the element phosphorus?

The element below phosphorus on the periodic table is sulfur.

What are 5 liquids that do not have water?

-- pure alcohol at room temperature -- mercury at room temperature -- oxygen below its boiling temperature -- iron above its melting temperature -- nitrogen below its boiling temperature -- salt above its melting temperature -- gold above its melting temperature -- any other element or compound that is not H2O, above its melting temperature and below its boiling temperature

Which term describes the structure directly below tissues in the hierarchical organization of life?

The term that describes the structure directly below tissues in the hierarchical organization of life is cells. Cells are the building blocks of tissues and are organized into tissues that perform specific functions within an organism.