

What is an equation in physics?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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Q: What is an equation in physics?
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The equations of motions.

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Height of an object = (elevation of its top) - (elevation of its bottom)

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Ohms Law

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The Navier-Strokes equation is a term in physics used to describe the motion of a fluid substance. The equation applies Newton's second law to fluid motion.

How do you find an equation?

Look through a mathematics, physics, chemistry, or economics text to find equations.

Why is Einstein a famous mathematician?

He was really a famous theoretical physicist, best known for the equation e = mc2. This equation describes the relationship between matter and energy. Theoretical physics involves a lot of complex mathematics but it is still physics, and not mathematics for which Einstein is remembered.

What is the second equation of motion in physics?

The second equation of motion in physics is: (v = u + at), where: (v) is the final velocity of an object, (u) is the initial velocity of an object, (a) is the acceleration of the object, and (t) is the time taken for the change in velocity to occur.

How did scientists apply albert Einstein's quation E equals mc2?

Scientists applied Einstein's equation E=mc^2 in the field of nuclear physics to understand the equivalence between energy and mass. This equation helped in the development of nuclear power and nuclear weapons by showing the enormous amount of energy that could be released from a small amount of mass through nuclear reactions.

What does f(0) in physics?

In physics, f(0) typically represents the value of a function at a specific point, such as time t=0. This could be used to represent initial conditions or starting values in a physics equation or system.