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An equation that is always true is an identity.

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Q: What is an equation that is true regardless of the values of the variables called?
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The set of permissible replacement values for the variables in a particular equation or inequality is called the what for that equation or inequality?

It is called the DOMAIN!

What is any and all values of the variables tha satisfies an equation?

that is called the solution set

What information does and equation tell you?

the relationship between variables and/or variables and values

What is the solution to the equation?

It is the set of values for all the variables in the equation which make the equation true.

What are the variables in this equation 3ab plus c over 2?

The variables of this equation are your letters: a, b, and c. Variables merely stand in an equation to represent values that we don't know. "Solving" an equation is the process by which we uncover those values. In this particular case, since there are three variables, we cannot discover their values unless we have two other equivalent equations (a system of equations).

What does it mean to be a solution to an equation?

A solution to an equation is a set of values for the variables in the equation which make it true.

Constant terms are also?

terms that do not contain any variable components, so their value remains fixed or constant regardless of the input values of the variables in an expression or equation. They are typically numerical values or coefficients that do not change.

What is the meaning of solution of an equation?

The solution to an equation consists of the value (or values) of all the variables such that the equation is true when the variable(s) take those values.

What is the difference between a linear equation with one variable and a linear equation with two variables?

A function of one variable is of the form y=f(x) where all you need to know in order to get values for y is the value of the independent variable, x. A function of two variables is of the form z=f(x,y) where you need to know the values of both x and y to get a value for z. A linear equation is simply and algebraic equation where all variables, regardless of how many there are, are raised to the power of one.

What does each letter in the equation stand for?

In an equation, the letters represent variables that can take on different values. Each letter represents a specific quantity or value that is being referred to in the equation. The goal is to solve for these variables to determine their values and make the equation true.

What is s solving an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that may (or may not) be true, defined for some variables. Solving an equation is finding those values of the variables for which the equation or statement is true.

Are constant variables and derived variables the same?

Constant variables are constant, they do not change. Derived variables are not constant. They are determined by the other values in the equation.