A dozen dozen is twelve dozen or twelve twelves or 144. This is also known as a gross.
half a dozen = ½ x 12 = 6 six dozen dozen = 6 x 12 x 12 = 864 So six dozen dozen is bigger
A dozen is 12. For an example a dozen donuts
2 dozen equals 24 1 dozen = 12 2 dozen = 24 3 dozen = 36
A dozen means twelve and so a dozen eggs is twelve eggs. Usually eggs are sold in cartons and these contain a specific number which will be either a half-dozen (which is six eggs), a dozen (that is, twelve eggs), or the number can be specified, say nine eggs, or maybe even fifteen or eighteen eggs. If you want a greater quantity of eggs you might buy a tray, which will be thirty eggs. For some reason, eggs are usually sold in multiples of three.
Even Steven.
Definetly not. She wasn't even alive at that time.
A dozen is a group of twelve. If you order a dozen doughnuts, you will get 12. ~Elle~
half a dozen is 6, so half a dozen dozen is 6 dozen, but the first thing, six dozen dozen has is 6x12x12or 6x144, so it is way more than 6x12.. In other words Six dozen dozen is 864 and half a dozen dozen is 72
One dozen is 12.
A dozen dozen is twelve dozen or twelve twelves or 144. This is also known as a gross.
The same as in a dozen of anything else. "Dozen" means 12.The same as in a dozen of anything else. "Dozen" means 12.The same as in a dozen of anything else. "Dozen" means 12.The same as in a dozen of anything else. "Dozen" means 12.
A dozen is 12, A score is 20. FYI:A dozen contains 12. a baker's dozen contains 13 and a gross is a dozen's dozen or 144.
2 and a third dozen. 2 and two thirteenth bakers dozen. a dozen is twleve a bakers dozen is 13
A dozen apples. The word dozen means twelve - which is more than one - so you use the plural form of apple.
half a dozen = ½ x 12 = 6 six dozen dozen = 6 x 12 x 12 = 864 So six dozen dozen is bigger
a dozen eggs