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Homo sapiens, Dinococcus radiodurans, Plasmodium falciparum. Three examples for you.
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Q: What is an example for binomial nomenclature?
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What is the binomial nomenclature of a coyote?

The binomial nomenclature of a coyote is Canis latrans.

What is a sentence for binomial nomenclature?

In biology, binomial nomenclature is how species are named

What is the binomial nomenclature of a sunflower?

The binomial nomenclature of the Sunflower is the Helianthus Annus

What is the binomial nomenclature of a llama?

The binomial nomenclature of a llama is Lama glama.

Who proposed the binomial nomenclature?

Carolus Linnaeus proposed binomial nomenclature.

What is the binomial nomenclature of typhoid cell?

The binomial nomenclature for the bacterium that causes typhoid fever is Salmonella enterica.

What binomial nomenclature the name of any organisms is made up of its?

The binomial nomenclature of an organism is made up of its genus and species names. For example, the binomial nomenclature for humans is Homo sapiens, with Homo being the genus and sapiens being the species.

What is the Binomial Nomenclature of hamster?

The binomial nomenclature of a hamster is Cricetinae.

Who proposed the binomial nomenclature classifical?

Carolus Linnaeus proposed binomial nomenclature.

The two-word system for naming organisms is called?

Binomial Nomenclature. In other words, using an organisms Genus and Species to classify them into categories.

What is a sentence using the word binomial nomenclature?

In biology, binomial nomenclature is how species are named.

What are the binomial nomenclature name for mouse?

There are hundreds of species of mouse in the Order Rodentia of the Class Mammalia.As an example, the binomial name/scientific name of the House Mouse is Mus musculus.