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(1/2) * (1/4) is an example.

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Q: What is an example for when you multiply a fraction less than 1 by another fraction less than 1?
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When you multiply a fraction less than one by another fraction less than one your answer is always less than either factor?

That is true.

Why is the product always less than one when you multiply a fraction by another proper fraction?

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When you multiply a fraction less than 1 by another fraction less than 1 is your answer going to be less than one?

Yes, ALWAYS. Think of it this way... If you had 1/2 a pie and you wanted just a FRACTION of it, that's less than the 1/2 you started with.

Dividing by a fraction less than one?

Multiply by 1/fraction. For example to divide 10 by 2/3, calculate 10 x 3/2

When you multiply a fraction less than 1 by another fraction less than 1 is your answer going to be less than the two factors?

That depends. When you multiply fractions, the product is closer to zero than either of the factors. If you multiply any positive fraction by 1/2, your result will be half of the original number. However, if you multiply any negative fraction by 1/2, your result will be twice the original number. EXAMPLE: 1/2 x 1/4 = 1/8 (1/8 is less than 1/4 ) 1/2 x -1/4 = -1/8 (-1/8 is greater than -1/4 )

What happens to a number when you multiply it by a fraction?

Fraction refers to the amount to the right of the decimal point (amounts of less than 1), so if you multiply any (positive) number by a fraction its value will be reduced.

Why does a number get smaller when you multiply by a proper fraction?

When you multiply a number by 1, it stays the same. When you multiply a number by a number greater than 1, it increases. When you multiply a number by a number that is less than 1 (a proper fraction), it decreases.

What is a fraction that is less than one?

A proper fraction is defined as a fraction that is less than one.

What happens to the whole number when you multiply it by a fraction less than one?

Nothing happens to the whole number. But the product is less than the whole number. The product might be another whole number, and it might have a fractional part.

What is the largest fraction less than1?

There is no such fraction. For any fraction, you can always find a fraction that is nearer to 1 - for example, the average of the fraction and one.

What is the process of resizing a number when you multiply by a fraction that is greater than or less than 1?


Is the process of resizing a number when you multiply by a fraction that is greater than or less than 1?
