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There is only one null set. It is 'the' null set. It is a set which does not contain any numbers.

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Q: What is an example of a null set?
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What are example of null set?

A null set is a set that contains no elements.

What is the ways to describe a null set?

a set which has no elements in it is called a null set. example - A={}.

What are the example of null set?

There is only one null set. It is 'the' null set. It is a set which does not contain any numbers. It is represented by the symbol ∅.

What are the example of a null set?

There is only one null set. It is 'the' null set. It is a set which does not contain any numbers. It is represented by the symbol ∅.

Is it right saying that the null set is not equal to the set containing null set as its only element?

A null set is a set with nothing in it. A set containing a null set is still containing a "null set". Therefore it is right to say that the null set is not the same as a set containing only the null set.

What is the subset of null set?

The null set. Every set is a subset of itself and so the null set is a subset of the null set.

What is null set in math?

The null set is a set which has no members. It is an empty set.

Why null set is not considered as an element of any set even though it is an subset of every set?

Let set A = { 1, 2, 3 } Set A has 3 elements. The subsets of A are {null}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2},{1,3},{1,2,3} This is true that the null set {} is a subset. But how many elements are in the null set? 0 elements. this is why the null set is not an element of any set, but a subset of any set. ====================================== Using the above example, the null set is not an element of the set {1,2,3}, true. {1} is a subset of the set {1,2,3} but it's not an element of the set {1,2,3}, either. Look at the distinction: 1 is an element of the set {1,2,3} but {1} (the set containing the number 1) is not an element of {1,2,3}. If we are just talking about sets of numbers, then another set will never be an element of the set. Numbers will be elements of the set. Other sets will not be elements of the set. Once we start talking about more abstract sets, like sets of sets, then a set can be an element of a set. Take for example the set consisting of the two sets {null} and {1,2}. The null set is an element of this set.

Every subset of a null set is a null set?


Definition and examples of all kinds of sets in college algebra?

example of null set

What is a empty or null set?

A null or empty set is a set that does not contain any elements.

Is a null set in mathematics a subset of every set?

Yes the null set is a subset of every set.