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Q: What is an example of a oval shape in nature?
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What is an oblong fleshy fruit that starts with d?

Oblong fruits are fruits that have the shape of an oblong. For example an apple is oval in shape. And thus, an oval fruit in nature. A good example of an oblong fruit in an electronic world is Samsung. But this does not mean that Samsung wouldn't be called a grape.

What galaxy has an oval shape?

Elliptical galaxies have an oval shape. An example is the Messier 87.

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Is all the cells oval or round shapes?

Whether the cells are oval or round in shape would depend on the kind of cells. For example, the cells found in the cheeks of humans are all oval in shape.

Can you give example of sentence for oval?

Example sentence - The designer would bring both oval and square tables to decide which worked best in the entryway.

What is the definition of oval?

All the points of a circles circumferance are equidistant from the centre. If you make a shape with 2 focus points,Foci, then you will have an Oval or Elipse. Basically it is egg shaped. Some Cricket grounds are called the oval, Kennington in London & Kensingon in the West Indies, for example. Rugby balls are oval, or ovoid in shape. Most sports stadiums are 'the oval' because they are oval in shape.

What shape is the office of the US president?

It is called the Oval Office because of its oval shape.

What are ellipses?

Ellipses are a scientific word for the shape of an oval. for example the planets orbits are ellipses.

How do you describe a oval shape?

its like a round shape only oval

What type of galaxy has an odd shape that is not oval or pinwheel shaped?

An hourglass is another example of a shape galaxies may form in.

What is an ovoid?

An ovoid is a three-dimensional egg-shaped object with a curved surface. It is similar to an oval shape but in a three-dimensional form. Ovoids are commonly found in nature and art as a shape that represents balance and harmony.

What is an elongated circule or oval shape called?

Any shape that is rounded at the edges resembling an oval but may appear slightly or largely asymmetrical would be considered an "Oblong Shape". A good example might be a bowling pin, or the shape of a pear.