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A three-sided polygon is called a triangle. If two of the sides are of the same length, it is said to be an isosceles triangle.

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Q: What is an example of a polygon with three sides and only two of the sides are the same length?
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Is a triangle a regular polygon'?

It is if all three of its sides have the same length.

Is a triangle a irregular polygon?

A triangle is a polygon. It can be regular or irregular. If it's regular, then all three sides are the same length, and it's called an "equilateral triangle". If all three sides aren't the same length, then it's an irregular polygon.

Must a polygon have more than three sides?

A polygon must have 3 or more sides as with a triangle for example

Is a rhombus always a regular polygon?

A rhombus is a simple quadrilateral where the four sides have the same length. A polygon can contain many sides from three and beyond, a Regular Polygon has all its sides and angles equal

How many sides does an equilateral polygon have?

That depends on what polygon you are looking at. An equilateral Triangle has three sides. An equilateral Square has four sides. And this goes for any shape that has equal length sides.

What is the property of polygons?

A polygon is a two dimentional (or plane) geometrical figure that has three or more sides to it. If all the sides are of the same length, then it is known as a regular polygon.

Does a polygon have three sides?

A polygon can have any number of sides above three. The name of a three-sided polygon is a triangle.

Example of polygon?

A polygon is any flat figure having three or more sides. For example - triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, septagon...

Is a polygon always with three sides?

no, a polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides. so, it can have more than three example would be a rectangle, square, pentagon....

What polygon has 2 sides?

No polygon can have less than three sides.

A polygon with 3 sides?

A polygon with three sides is a triangle, the prefix tri- meaning three.

What is the name of a polygon that has three sides and three equal angles?

an equalateral triangle. im not sure if thats how you spell it.