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Q: What is an example of a solid expanding?
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An example of solid in a solid?

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What is an example of a solid in solid?

An example of a solid, is a rock.

What is Example of something that is expanding or contracting?

An example of something that is contracting is a deflating balloon, as its volume decreases. An example of something that is expanding is a growing plant, as it increases in size and complexity.

What is the froth called that runs out of a volcano?

The froth that runs out of a volcano is called lava. It is molten rock that flows from the vent of a volcano during an eruption. When lava cools and solidifies, it forms different types of volcanic rocks.

What is an example of a solid and a solid?

An example of a solid and gas solution: hydrogen dissolved in palladium.

What is an example of something expanding contracting?

An example of something expanding and contracting is a balloon. When air is blown into the balloon, it expands. When the air is released, the balloon contracts back to its original size.

Do you believe that the universe is still expanding?

Yes, scientific evidence, such as redshift measurements of distant galaxies, indicates that the universe is still expanding. This expansion is believed to be accelerating due to dark energy, a mysterious force that counteracts gravity at large distances.

What example of solid to solid?


Example of a solid to a liquid?

Ice melting into water is an example of a solid turning into a liquid.

What is an example of a solid dissolved in a solid?

An example of a solid dissolved in a solid is brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. In brass, the atoms of zinc are dissolved into the solid lattice of copper, forming a homogeneous solid solution.

What kind of solid is glass an example of?

Glass is an example of an amorphous solid material

What are non example of crystalline solid?

An non-example of a crystalline solid would be the complete opposite of it, an amorhous solid.