99% of all statistics are made up.
Sex Panther is a cologne that works 50% of the time, all the time.
As of a recent 2011 estimate, the United States currently holds about 4.48% of the world's population.
what example for decriptive statistic
perameter is a measure of population or universe, statistic is a measure of a sample data drawn from population
Statistics are values that give information about a group. For example, 60% of teens in the US graduate high school is a statistic because it gives a number, 60%, to tell information about a group of people, teenagers. (This statistic was made up for an example). Data is the information collected to formulate that statistic. Using the previous example, the data would be the numbers recorded of teens that graduate throughout the US to come up with 60%. Data develops a statistic, and a statistic provides information about a specific topic.
Mean, variance, t-statistic, z-score, chi-squared statistic, F-statistic, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon W, Pearson's correlation and so on.
Number of deaths in metropolitan Toronto in January of 2012 due to any case.
body weight
birth certificate
what example for decriptive statistic
perameter is a measure of population or universe, statistic is a measure of a sample data drawn from population
Statistics are values that give information about a group. For example, 60% of teens in the US graduate high school is a statistic because it gives a number, 60%, to tell information about a group of people, teenagers. (This statistic was made up for an example). Data is the information collected to formulate that statistic. Using the previous example, the data would be the numbers recorded of teens that graduate throughout the US to come up with 60%. Data develops a statistic, and a statistic provides information about a specific topic.
Mean, variance, t-statistic, z-score, chi-squared statistic, F-statistic, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon W, Pearson's correlation and so on.
Yes it can be as for example the density population can be compared using statistics.
23 out of every 24 people bite the heads off Jelly Babies first
A statistic is a number computed from a sample. For example, the average length of stay in the birth hospital for a random sample of 387 infants born in Johnson County, Kansas 387 would be the statistic
Because for example a range of temperatures maybe below freezing point
Number of deaths in metropolitan Toronto in January of 2012 due to any case.
Yes, the noun 'statistic' is a special noun (abstract noun), a word for a single piece of information, when combined with other such pieces of information form a numerical statement. The noun 'statistic' can be considered a concrete noun when specific information is in written form or stored and retrieved on a data base.