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The appendix in the digestive system.
*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

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Q: What is an example of a vestigial structure in humans?
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Is an example of vestigial structure?

ostrich wings, or the appendix in humans

What is an example of vestigial structure?

ostrich wings, or the appendix in humans

Human tailbone is an example of what?

The human tailbone, also known as the coccyx, is an example of a vestigial structure. It is a remnant of our evolutionary past when our distant ancestors had tails. Today, the coccyx serves no functional purpose in humans but is a small bone at the end of the spine.

A structure remaining in an animal but with no use at all is called?

A structure remaining in an animal but with no use at all is called a vestigial structure. These structures are remnants of organs or features that had a purpose in the organism's evolutionary past, but have lost their function over time. Examples include the human appendix or the wings of flightless birds like ostriches.

Which of the following is an example of a vestigial structure?


Which is considered a vestigial structure in humans a.tail b.nose c.arm d.ear?

tail. vestigial structures no longer have a purpose in modern life.

What is a vestigial structure and what organ in the human body is one?

A vestigial structure is one that no longer appears to service a purpose in maintaining homeostasis. An example is the vermiform appendix.

Remnants of organs that functioned in an ancestor?

The remnants of an organ that functioned in an ancestor is called a vestigial structure. A common example is the appendix which has lost its usefulness in modern humans.

What remnants of organ that functioned in an ancestor?

The remnants of an organ that functioned in an ancestor is called a vestigial structure. A common example is the appendix which has lost its usefulness in modern humans.

What is the term for a structure that has no use in an organisms?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is the term for structure that has no use in an organism?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is vestigial organ Give an example?

A vestigial organ is an organ that has no beneficial use to an organism. Ex. Tail bone in Humans