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All points (0, y) i.e. (0, 1), (0, -1), (0, 7), (0, -3), ...

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Q: What is an example of an ordered pair that is plotted by only moving down from the origin along the y-axis?
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An example of an ordered pair that is plotted by only moving left from the origin along the x-Axis?

All such pairs are of the form ( x, 0) where x < 0. One example is (-1,0).

What is the parts of cartesian coordinate system?

there are quadrants,axis ,and origin. but there are also plotted labeled ordered pair of numbers that go on the quadrants

What does horizontal line on a displacement-time graph represent?

That the body, whose motion is being plotted is not moving radially. It can be moving along a circle with the origin as the centre at any speed but that does not show up in a displacement-time graph.

If you plotted point 0 0 on an xy plane would the point be located in a quadrant or at the origin?

at the origin

What is the point of origin in an ordered pair?

The origin, in the Cartesian coordinate system, is the point with coordinates (0, 0). So, if you have another ordered pair, the ordered pair doesn't "have an origin"; rather, the origin is another point.

What is the ordered pair for the origin of the coordinate plane?

Origin = (0,0)

Which of these ordered pairs is located at the origin?


Where muscles attach to moving bone?

Muscle attaches to a non-moving bone at the muscle's origin.

What is the ordered pair for the point of origin?

(0,0)Easy peasy!

What is an example of a origin myth?

The short story the the of the seasons is an example of an origin myth

In the ordered pair x and y the x is called the origin?

No, the origin is the point where the x-axis and y-axis meet in the coordinate plane. The x value of an ordered pair is called the abscissa (the y value is called the ordinate).

What muscle attached to a non moving bone?

The muscle that attaches to a non-moving bone is called the origin muscle. This muscle provides stability and support to the bone it is attached to, allowing other muscles to create movement around it. An example is the trapezius muscle, which originates from the base of the skull and attaches to the spine and shoulder blades.