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Q: What is an example of an trinomial problem?
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What is a trinomial?

A trinomial is a polynomial with three unlike terms. Ex3n + 7x + 8y6xy is a trinomial?false . . . .A+

What is the example of quadratic trinomial?

[ Ax2 + Bx + C ] is one example.

How many terms are there in a quadratic trinomial?

Because the prefix "tri" means three, a trinomial has three terms: a squared variable, a normal variable, and a number without a variable. For example, 3x^2 + 5x +7 is a trinomial.

A polynomial with exactly 3 terms?

A polynomial with three terms is called a trinomial. Example: x² + 16 + 18 is a trinomial. It has three terms (x²), (16), and (18)

The expression below is the factorization of what trinomial Enter the trinomial in descending order Enter exponents using the caret For example you would enter x2 as x2?


Is it a cubic trinomial?

A cubic trinomial is an algebraic expression with three terms, where the highest power of the variable is 3. For example, (x^3 + 2x^2 - 3x) is a cubic trinomial. If the expression you're referring to fits this criteria, then yes, it is a cubic trinomial.

Example of square of a trinomial?

If you want to know how to square a trinomial, you should first know the basic. (a+b+c)^2=? you have to square the first three terms then multiply 2 to the last three terms. All you have to do is to remember that a square of trinomial has 6 terms in the answer

One example is a quadratic equation that in nonstandard form contains a perfect trinomial?


What is an example of a polynomial that is not a monomial?

(x + 2) is a binomial. (x2 + 2x + 1) is a trinomial

What is the meaning of factor of perfect square trinomial?

A factor of a perfect square trinomial is eithera number that is a factor of each term of the trinomial,a binomial that is a factor of the trinomial, ora product of the above two.For example, consider 4x2 + 8x + 4It has the factors2 or 4,(x + 1) or2x+2 = 2*(x+1) or 4x+4 = 4*(x+1)

What does trinomail mean?

An equation or expression with 3 variables. For example... 5x + 7y + 9z is a trinomial.

What is a trinomial give you more exmaple?

It is an express that contains 3 terms. Example: x + y + 5