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Q: What is an example of another set of data that you might represent using a pictograph?
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What does pictograph?

if you mean as in photographic memory which means when you are able to remember stuff for example....8+9-7+6=16 you might forget that in a second but people with photo graphic memory can remember it forever.

What types of data might be graphed on a number line?

It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.

What mean pictograph?

if you mean as in photographic memory which means when you are able to remember stuff for example....8+9-7+6=16 you might forget that in a second but people with photo graphic memory can remember it forever.

When a part is used to represent the whole?

It is a figure of speech known as a synechdoche. For example, you might say "wheels" to mean a car or "bread" to represent food of all sorts.

What is an example sentence with blindness in it?

One example might be - Mark hated getting snow blindness. Another example might me - Blindness is not a very nice condition to have.

What if you dream about another man?

If you are male, this other man symbolizes some part of yourself. If you are female, this dream man might represent an unattainable ideal partner, or he might represent your present partner in some symbolic way.

What would be a good word to represent a promotion company?

Listeners could be a good word to represent a promotion company. Another might be Trendsetters. Or, possibly even "Promotion Central".

When they classify stars with O B K etc what does each letter represent for example does K represent Kelvin does B represent Balmer?

It has to do with temperature but K does not represent Kelvin. Here is a site that might help you:

Why is binary number system used in digital electronics?

Binary is simpler than decimal. And it is easy to represent binary numbers with signals, since only two states are required. For example, a low voltage state might represent a zero, and a high voltage state might represent a one. Or vice versa.

What is another reason why hurricanes are horrible and dangerous?

Hurricanes might damage stuff. Example: homes, schools, apartments and more.Also people might get hurt. Example: injured or might die

What is an example sentence for tennis?

An example might be - Tennis is a fast-paced sport. Another example is - The tennis ball shattered the window.

What Item would represent a Wolf?

An item that might represent a wolf might be a moon or a paw.