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Calculating volume is done by multiplying the base area by the height. First you have to make sure all your units are the same, like all Centimeters or all Inches. As an example, suppose I am calculating the volume of a rectangular solid whose edges are 3, 4, and 8 centimeters. First I would multiply 3 by 4, and get 12 square centimeters. Then I would multiply 12 by 8, and get 96 cubic centimeters. The volume is 96 cubic centimeters. If it is a cone you are calculating, then the answer would be one third of the base times the height.

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You are calculating the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by the object whose volume is calculated.

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If a calculation of volume in cubic inches is needed, all dimensions need to be converted to inches before calculating the volume. For example, if calculating a rectangular prism in cubic inches, the dimensions need to be converted to inches, then the volume is calculated as length times width times height.

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Volume = area X height

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The formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular prism is: Length x width x height Example, if length=2cm, width=4cm, and height is 2cm your answer would be: 2 x 4 x 2 = 16 cm3

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The formula for calculating the volume of a hexagonal prism is to take the area of the hexagon, then multiply it by the height of the prism.

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The method of calculating volume is called volumetrics. It involves measuring the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or substance.

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Break the object into parts that a block or a cylinder has. For example, if you are finding the volume of a doughnut, you will measure the surface of it and subtract the measurements of the hole.

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since a quadrilateral is 2D .hence it has no volume..............