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Two mice of opposite sex mate and 20 days later get 10 kids

Within 12 hours after giving birth, the female can get pregnant again.

It is normal for mice to have 5-6 litters a year, but I suppose theoretically up to 17-18 litters can be produced by a supermum.

The pups get fertile after at most 50 days and can then have their own litters.

In less than a single year two mice can become (If no predators eat them)

Day 001, 2

Day 021, 2+10

Day 041, 2+10+10

Day 061, 2+10+10+10

Day 081, 2+10+10+10+10+50

Day 101, 2+10+10+10+10+10+50+50

Day 121, 2+10+10+10+10+10+10+50+50+50

Day 141, 2+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+50+50+50+50+250

Day 161, 2+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+50+50+50+50+50+250+250

Day 181, 2+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+50+50+50+50+50+50+250+250+250

Day 201, 2+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+10+50+50+50+50+50+50+50+250+250+250+250+1250

My oh my.... If all survives and have enough food, and in ideal conditions have a litter as often as theoretically possible, 2 mice can become a large inbred family of more than 2.000 individuals only after 200-210 days.

As you can see on the above chart of days, the development is exponentional.

Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Pigs, all have a very steep curve of how many they can become under ideal condition in very short time.

Pigs take longer to get mature, but litters are large and ideal conditions still mean a very large family within short time.

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Q: What is an example of exponential growth in a species?
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what describe the exponential growth of species?

The best description for the exponential growth of species is if the resources available are unlimited, each species can grow to its full potential. This leads the species to grow in numbers.

What is the origin of exponential growth?

Exponential growth does not have an origin: it occurs in various situations in nature. For example if the rate of growth in something depends on how big it is, then you have exponential growth.

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Yes and K is Logistic growth

Can any species undergo exponential growth forever?

If there is restrictions on the species population then yes, why not? However if there is a limited to resources or predation then no.

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if resources are unlimited and there are no predators, then the population of a species will grow exponentially

What is exponential growth?

Exponential Growth is when the growth rate of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value. Exponential growth is when an animal or whatever object increasing at an increasing rate. For example 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 etc. This is exponential growth because it is multiple by a consistent number, or two. The key part is that is it multipled not added which would be lineal growth.

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Can a species undergo exponential growth forever?

No. It can't even undergo linear growth forever, because it will run out of resources or space. With exponential growth, this merely happens more suddenly. "Exponential" growth refers to doublings. It follows a pattern like this: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024,

Can species undergo exponential growth forever?

It is not possible for any species to undergo exponential growth forever. There is only a finite amount of resources in terms of living space, food, air to breathe, water to drink, and so forth, and therefore a constantly growing species will eventually get to the point at which it runs out of resources. Typically this results in mass starvation and shrinkage of the overgrown species.

Do all exponential functions show growth over time?

If the exponent has the variable of time in it, then it will be either exponential growth (such as compound interest for example), or exponential decay (such as radioactive materials, or a capacitor discharging). If the time constant (coefficient of the time variable) is positive then it is growth, if the time constant is negative, then it is decay.

What is exponent growth?

That means that the growth is equal to, or similar to, an exponential function, which can be written (for example) as abx, for constants "a" and "b". One characteristic of exponential growth is that the function increases by the same percentage in the same time period. For example, it increases 5%, or equivalently by a factor of 1.05, every year.

Describe exponential growth and explain what is needed in order for this type of growth to continue?

Any time the RATE of increase is greater than one. For example : if a population were to double (note that 2 is greater than 1) each generation then it is referred to as exponential growth. Note also that there are now 7 billion people on Earth - exponential growth. What is "needed" for this kind of growth is an unlimited environment, since it does not exist in the real universe, exponential growth ALWAYS crashes.