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Q: What is an example of justification in math?
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What is Justification Math?

Justification is a written reason for why you made a statement. For example if you say a figure is a Square then you would say something like the diagonals are both congruent and perpendicular to each other.

What does justification mean in math terms?

Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.

What is justification in math?

A justification is a method of proving a rule for all situations given a set of parameters.

What math vocabulary word starts with the letter J?

justification and joint variation is one of the j math vocabularies.

Is human trafficking an example of cultural relativism?

The justification of it would be.

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History is anon-example of math.

What is justification?

Justification is a written reason for why you made a statement. For example if you say a figure is a Square then you would say something like the diagonals are both congruent and perpendicular to each other.

What is the definition with an example for junction in math?

math is funn...

Is justification another word for reason?

It can be, if the noun "reason" is used to mean the cause or basis for an action.For example, his justification for running away (his reason for running away) was that he thought he would be mistreated by the police.

What is a real life example of translation in math?

A real life example of a translation in math is a person sliding down a slide.

What is the example of a term in math?

I wish I knew what was an example of a term but, I think its a word describingsomething in math. I think. :p lol

What is the adjective and adverb of justification?

The adjective of justification is justifiable.The adverb of justification is justifiably.