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Q: What is an example of pseudo-rational attribution?
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When the teacher talked to her students about their poor performance on the test she assumed they had been too lazy to do the work if this is an example of that?

a dispositional attribution

Which of the following is an example of dispositional attribution?

Maria didn't study for the test because she has senioritis

When you have a quote and the 'he said' comes after the quote do you use a period or a comma after the quote?

When the attribution (e.g., 'he said') follows the quote, you should use a comma inside the quotation marks before the attribution and follow it with a period after the attribution. For example: "I am going to the store," he said.

When was Not for Attribution created?

Not for Attribution was created on 2008-01-20.

What are the factors of attribution theory?

Attribution is a concept in social psychology. The attribution theory is a term for many models that explain the processes.

When a person blames a behavior on bad luck this is example of?

When a person attributes a behavior to bad luck rather than personal responsibility or other factors, it is an example of external attribution or making an external locus of control attribution. In psychology, attribution refers to the process of explaining the causes of behaviors or events. In this case, by attributing the behavior to bad luck, the individual is placing the cause of the behavior outside of themselves, suggesting that external factors or circumstances beyond their control (luck) influenced or caused the behavior. This contrasts with internal attribution, where the individual would attribute the behavior to their own characteristics, abilities, or decisions.

Why does each photo include a newspaper contain a attribution?

Attribution provides credit to the photographer who took the picture and what agency the photographer works for, if any. For example, a local paper will traditionally use a photo from a national organization, such as the Associate Press. The attribution will show the name of the photographer, the agency where the paper bought the photo. It's the same concept as to why newspaper articles are attributed to the writer.

Why does each photo include in a newspaper contain a attribution?

Attribution provides credit to the photographer who took the picture and what agency the photographer works for, if any. For example, a local paper will traditionally use a photo from a national organization, such as the Associate Press. The attribution will show the name of the photographer, the agency where the paper bought the photo. It's the same concept as to why newspaper articles are attributed to the writer.

When do you give attribution?

Attribution should be given to direct quotes, and to information not considered to be "common knowledge."

What has the author John H Harvey written?

John H. Harvey has written: 'New Directions in Attribution Reseach. Volume 3 (Hard) (New Directions in Attribution Research)' 'Social psychology' -- subject(s): Social psychology 'New Directions in Attribution Research. Volume 1' -- subject(s): Attribution (Social psychology) 'Attribution'

When the teacher talked to her students about their poor performance on a test she assumed they had been too lazy to do the work. This is an example of the?

fundamental attribution error. (apex

What is the difference between internal attribution and external attribution?

Internal Attribution: The inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about that person.External Attribution: the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation they are in.Internal attribution seems to discuss that a person's behavior is linked to the mind/personality of that person. External is the effects of the person's home life or the relationships they are in.