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Triangle, paraellogram(srry if i didnt spell that right...), circle <-- yeah mate it's parallelogram :) an ellipsoid has no right angles. I don't have any right angles either

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Q: What is an example of some thing that has no right angles?
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Do quadrilaterals have right angles?

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Does some parallelograms have 4 right angles?

Yes a rectangle for example

Quadrilateral that have two right angles?

Some trapezoids For example, the angles of a trapezoid could be: 90, 90, 30, 150

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Yes, a trapezoid can have 3 right angles.

Do some rectangles have no right angle?

No, all four angles with in a rectangle are right angles.

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All right angle triangles have a 90 degree angle and two acute angles that add up to 90 degrees.

Does a kite in math talking have any right angles?

Yes . Some might have acute angles . Most likely right angles .

Do quadrilterals have right angles?

Some do, but not all.

What do all rectangles have that some parallelograms do not have?

Rectangles have 4 rift angles and some parallelogram doesn't have 4 right angles. Only two parallelogram has 4 right angles , square and rectangle

Do all irregular quadrilateral have no right angles?

No, some may

How are electromagnetic waves diffrent from one another?

Some are larger and some smaller. Also they can be at right angles to each other. See the Related Link below for an example.