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You are driving your car with cruise control but you steer around a bend in the highway. The cruise control keeps your speed constant, but by steering you change your direction and thus your velocity is not constant.

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Q: What is an example of something at constant speed but not constant velocity?
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What is an Example of constant velocity?

constant velocity means the speed and direction are the same.

What is an example of an object moving at constant speed and constant velocity?

An object moving in a straight line at a speed of 50 km/h with a constant velocity of 50 km/h in the same direction is an example of constant speed and constant velocity.

What is speed that does not change - called?


What is nature of velocity in constant speed?

Velocity magnitude is unchanging at constant speed. The direction might change (velocity is a vector with both size (speed) and direction) if , for example, you are driving around a curve at a constant speed.

Is something accelerating with a constant speed?

No, acceleration refers to a change in speed or direction. If something is moving with a constant speed, it is not accelerating.

What is an example of constant speed with changing velocity?

An example of constant speed with changing velocity is a car moving in a circular path. The speed of the car remains constant, but the velocity changes because the direction of the car is constantly changing as it moves around the curve.

Can a body have constant velocity when it has constant speed?

Of course. In fact, in order to have constant velocity, it must have constant speed.What you really want to know: Can a body have changing velocity when it has constant speed ?The answer to that one is also "yes", for example when it is moving in a circle, the speed is constant but the velocity is changing all the time (in direction).

What is an example of constant speed with a change in velocity?

rotational motion

Can an object have constant velocity and but variable speed?

No, an object cannot have constant velocity and variable speed. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. If the object's velocity is constant, then its speed must also be constant.

Can an objeact have constant speed and but variable velocity?

No, if an object has constant speed, its velocity must also be constant. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. If the speed is constant, the direction must also be constant for the velocity to be constant.

What is the difference of constant speed and changing velocity?

Constant means that something doesn't change; "changing" means that it does. Speed is a magnitude - measured (for example) in meters per second. Velocity, on the other hand, is a vector - which means that the direction is also considered. If an object changes direction - for example, moving in a circle - it is possible to do so at a constant speed. However, since the direction changes, the velocity will - by definition - change.

If you have a constant velocity do you have to have a constant speed?

Yes, speed is the scalar of velocity.