An explicit rule is a rule that you can solve without needing the previous term. For example to find the value of y, you don't need to know what x is.
y = 4 + 4
y = 2x + 4
Each number is -4 times the previous one. That means that you can write a recursive rule as: f(1) = -3 f(n) = -4 * f(n-1) The explicit rule involves powers of -4; you can write it as: f(n) = -3 * (-4)^(n-1)
Multiply each term by -3 and so the next term will be 243
It is not possible to give a conclusive answer because for a recursive relationship of order 1, the first (or 0th) term must be specified.A(n) = (5*n^2 + 3*n + 2*A(1) - 8)/2 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...
Implicit: x2 + 2y = 5 Explicit : y = (5 - x2)/2
The answer depends on what the explicit rule is!
An explicit rule defines the terms of a sequence in terms of some independent parameter. A recursive rule defines them in relation to values of the variable at some earlier stage(s) in the sequence.
well my rule is nothing explicit
Each number is -4 times the previous one. That means that you can write a recursive rule as: f(1) = -3 f(n) = -4 * f(n-1) The explicit rule involves powers of -4; you can write it as: f(n) = -3 * (-4)^(n-1)
Each number is -4 times the previous one. That means that you can write a recursive rule as: f(1) = -3 f(n) = -4 * f(n-1) The explicit rule involves powers of -4; you can write it as: f(n) = -3 * (-4)^(n-1)
A pattern that not only continue the pattern but find the value for the given term in the pattern.
In linear algebra, Cramer's rule is an explicit formula for the solution of a system of linear equations with as many equations as unknowns, valid whenever the system has a unique solution.
it is a rule fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated, nothing is implied. Everything is shown or described in realistic detail
Multiply each term by -3 and so the next term will be 243
The word 'rule' is a noun as a word for an explicit or understood regulation or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or place; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to rule are ruler and the gerund, ruling.
explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language.He was quite explicit as to what he expected us to do for him."generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit"
The word explicit is often used in the sense of sexually explicit.