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An expression of the second degree can be any kind of expression, the most popular being a quadratic polynomial of the form ax^2 + bx + c.

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Q: What is an expression of second degree?
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What is the degree of the polynomial -2xy3 plus 3x2y?

I will assume that you mean -2xy3+3x2y. Then by "degree" is usually meant the total degree--the maximum sum of exponents of all variables. Here the first term has degree 1+3=4 and the second term has degree 2+1=3, so the degree of the entire expression is 4. It is also a 2nd degree expression in x and a 3rd degree expression in y.

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xy2z3 is an expression of degree 6.

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If its proper- the degree of the top is less than the degree of the bottom If its improper- the degree of the top is greater than or equal to the degree of the bottom

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Is second-term polynominal a bionomial polynominal?

A binomial is an algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms. A polynomial is an expression of more than two algebraic terms, esp. the sum of several terms that contain different powers of the same variable(s). The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of its terms. Now that we have the definitions and the correct spellings out of the way, the answer to your question is a qualified no. There's no such thing as a second-term polynomial. I suspect you mean second degree, but both binomials and polynomials can be second-degree. There's also no such thing as a binomial polynomial. Expressions of two terms are binomials, more than two terms are polynomials, exactly three terms are trinomials.

What is X squared minus 4x plus 4?

It's a second degree trinomial expression in x. It's a perfect square, being the square of (x-2).

What is A polynomial of degree 1 called?

It is a linear expression.

What is degree in algebra?

Excluding calculus (which is, in fact, a part of algebra), the degree of an expression is the maximum sum of the powers of the variables in the expression.Consider the expression x2y3 + xy5 + 17x4 The sums of the powers of the three terms are: 2+3 = 5, 1+5 = 6 and 4=4 So the expression is of degree 6.

Does john cena really have a degree in thuganomics?

no, its just an expression.

Blistering is a what degree burn?

It sometimes can. Usually it doesn't. A burn that results in a blister is usually second degree.

What is second degree am?

A degree which is secondary evidence,