

What is an expression of shock?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is an expression of shock?
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Facial expression for shock and awe?

When someone is shocked their facial expression is usually enlarged eyes with the mouth open while in a frozen state. Awe is a lot like shock however it's more from excitement with a mix of fear. I know it's not the best answer but I tried my best :)

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I'm unfamiliar with the expression, but it obviously describes an offense that takes the victim totally by surprise and shock.

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The Korean word gee means "Oh wow", which is an expression commonly used to display shock, amusement, or possibly curiosity. The expression is usually used in comic books.

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What does 'what the f...' mean?

The word that we do not use here is a common expression for a sexual act. It is common in today's young society to use this expression as a term of extreme surprise which this phrase expresses. The use of this term in polite society is, as always, used to shock and anger the more reserved among us. It is usually a verbal form of rebellion, markedly useful for shock value.

What does what the f mean?

The word that we do not use here is a common expression for a sexual act. It is common in today's young society to use this expression as a term of extreme surprise which this phrase expresses. The use of this term in polite society is, as always, used to shock and anger the more reserved among us. It is usually a verbal form of rebellion, markedly useful for shock value.

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The expression "heart being floored" means feeling overwhelmed with emotions such as shock, surprise, or intense feelings. It refers to being emotionally taken aback or deeply affected by something.

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Yes, being expressionless can be a symptom of shock. During a state of shock, an individual may appear dazed, have a blank stare, or exhibit a lack of emotional response or expression due to the body's physiological response to a traumatic event.

What does To gaze or look as if surprised mean?

It means to look with an expression of astonishment or disbelief. The gaze is fixed or directed in a way that indicates surprise or shock.