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I believe this is true. I believe smiling is contagious.

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Q: What is an hypothesis for the question is smiling contagious?
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How was the hoypothesis tested?

A Hypothesis is tested by performing an experiment. For instance if I wanted to find out if smiles are contagious. My hypothesis would be I think that smiles are contagious. Then to test it I would go around smiling at random people. In fact my friend did do this experiment and it turned out that smiles weren't contagious in her case. I hope that answered you question.....:)

Is smiling contagious research plan?

go on google to research more put id s smiling contagious

Is smiling more contagious in boys are in girls?

Smiling is not more contagious in boys than girls it has been proven that girls smile more than boys and you and your age and gender do affect this.

Is smiling more contagious for male or female?

female smile more

How do you test if smiling is contagious?

Go places and smile at someone see if they pass it on.

Where is the smiling face today?

It is on our own face when we smile. Smiles are contagious so when we smile it spreads to others

A possible explanation or answer to a question is a?

A hypothesis

What is the difference between a question and a hypothesis?

A question is a question. A hypothesis is a theoretical answer, but one which has not been tested.

Difference between research question and hypothesis?

the hypothesis in research is an idea or concept that may be true

What is a predicted answer to a scientific question?

what is a predicted anserw to a scientific question is hypothesis bacuse hypothesis , a prediction is the same as predicted hypothesis, a prediction about what the anserw to their question might be

What is the educated guess of the answer to the question called?


What is the different between the question and hypothesis steps in scientific inquiry?

The question is what your trying to answer, and the hypothesis is the guess you make about the answer to the question.