Murphy's Law: If something CAN go wrong, it WILL go wrong (and usually at the worst possible time).
usually seen WITHOUT the part in parentheses
EXPENSIVE.. why.. -COST of buying it -ACCESSORISES (you know like memory card) -when something goes wrong COSTS to fix OR if not expensive -Bad quality
You probably mean it goes into both 'evenly'. That's 12
Every is an adjective. Example: He hates it when every plan goes wrong.
Something that goes around
When something goes wrong or the situation deteriorated.
When something goes wrong, it goes awry.
Something Always Goes Wrong was created in 2001.
It depends what goes wrong
If something goes wrong, this might mean that it could produce problems. If a problem comes from something that went wrong, this can be bad news for many people.
They take money just incase something goes wrong, if nothing goes wrong, they keep money. If something goes wrong $$$ > Income, insurance prices go up.
A mutation.
This is not an idiom. It means just what it says. It is a saying that means time seems to go by more quickly when you are doing something enjoyable than it does when you are uncomfortable.
On a Windows machine the system restore process allows a user to return to a previous state on the computer if something goes wrong. This allows you to restore your settings should something go wrong.
It doesn't move, or derails.
you could have an heart atack
they can die if something in the colony goes wrong. :)