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Maybe it was language, before, BABEL!

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Q: What is ancient mathematics?
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What has the author A K Bag written?

A. K. Bag has written: 'Mathematics in ancient and medieval India' -- subject(s): Ancient Mathematics, History, Mathematics, Medieval Mathematics

Who is the father of ancient mathematics?


What were the ancient Greek numerals used for?

I believe that the ancient Greeks used them for mathematics!

How did ancient use mathematics?

cause they bad mamajamas

Who invented mensuration in mathematics?

The ancient Egyptians.

What has the author O Neugebauer written?

O Neugebauer was a historian of ancient mathematics and astronomy. He wrote extensively about the history of mathematics, especially in ancient civilizations such as Babylon and Egypt. Some of his notable works include "The Exact Sciences in Antiquity" and "A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy."

What ancient Indian invention changed the world of mathematics?

Aryabhatta who invented 0(Zero) changed the world of mathematics

What influence does history have on the development of mathematics education in Namibia?

in ancient times mathematics was used in agriculture, industry and the people were interacting mathematics started developing ,up to then.

How discover accounting?

accounting and mathematics was discovered by the ancient Chinese people

What are some ancient Egyptian scientific achievements?

mathematics, architecture, medicine . . .

What were some of the key achievement of the ancient Egyptians?

mathematics, architecture, medicine

What were the contributions of the ancient Greeks?

Usually mentioned are: democracy, philosophy and mathematics.