To find out how many times 28 goes into 117, you would perform a division operation. 117 divided by 28 equals approximately 4.17857142857. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 28 goes into 117 approximately 4 times.
To convert minutes to hours, you divide by 60. 88/60 = 1.47 hours. If you prefer to have the result in minutes and hours, do a division with remainder. The (integer) result of the division in this case is 1, the remainder is 28, so you have 1h 28m.
To find out how many times 40 goes into 368, we need to perform division. By dividing 368 by 40, we get 9 with a remainder of 28. Therefore, 40 goes into 368 nine times with a remainder of 28.
To determine how many times 28 can go into 238, you would divide 238 by 28. The result of this division is 8 with a remainder of 14. Therefore, 28 can go into 238 exactly 8 times with a remainder of 14.
3 with remainder 16.
That's the same as the greatest common factor of 28 and 10 (where 10 is the remainder of the division of 738 / 28).
To find out how many times 28 goes into 117, you would perform a division operation. 117 divided by 28 equals approximately 4.17857142857. Since we cannot have a fraction of a division, we would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 28 goes into 117 approximately 4 times.
5 remainder 3.
To convert minutes to hours, you divide by 60. 88/60 = 1.47 hours. If you prefer to have the result in minutes and hours, do a division with remainder. The (integer) result of the division in this case is 1, the remainder is 28, so you have 1h 28m.
To find out how many times 40 goes into 368, we need to perform division. By dividing 368 by 40, we get 9 with a remainder of 28. Therefore, 40 goes into 368 nine times with a remainder of 28.