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Q: What is another is a sum of money set aside for something?
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For those that struggle to save money, there are different ways that they may choose to set aside money for necessities in life. Instead of spending money for necessities, a person should always seek to apportion a set amount of funds into another bank account. This will ensure that a person does not spend such important funds on other things such as shopping. When a person sets aside money in another account, he or she should be sure to set aside money for all necessary expenses. A person should make a list of all of the expenses that are necessary in a given month, such as gas bills, electric bills, cable bills, internet bills, or cell phone payments. A person may also have to take car insurance or car payments into consideration when setting aside funds into another account. Putting money aside for rent is usually something else that people have to do when trying to save money. By putting aside all of these funds, a person will be able to keep spending money down to a minimum and he or she will be able to be frugal.

Is a plan that enables workers and their spouses to set aside money for retirement?

A(n) _?_ is a plan that enables workers and their spouses to set aside money for retirement

What is a plan that enables workers and their spouses to set aside money for retirement?

A(n) _?_ is a plan that enables workers and their spouses to set aside money for retirement

Is deposit another word for incoming money?

no. deposit is when you put money in a bank or set it aside for safe keeping. a word for incoming money is gernally just income.

To set something aside for later use?

How about "postpone"?

What is another word for reserve or set aside?


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What money set aside by Congress for a specific purpose?

its an appropriation

Is money set aside by formal action for a specific use?


What is expenditure warrant in public sector accounting?

money set aside for expenses

What does work allocation mean in account receivable?

money set aside for your use.