another name for a septagon is a heptagon
Another name is its correct name: an isosceles triangle.
bivalent is another name for tetrad
an O another name for a circle is an O and a spherical
Questran is another name for cholestyramine.
It is a cholesterol-lowering drug
Information that is made available to the public states that there is no reaction taking the two medicines together. If you have concerns talk to your pharmacist and medical professional.
not in a commercially available product, try and find a compounding pharmacy near you, they specialize in special needs such as this
Another name for an agouti is manicou!
Another name for extremophiles is Archaea.
Another name for Earth's moon is "Luna."
Mudstone is another name for shale.
Another name for xenon is Xe which is its chemical symbol.
halon is another name. they deplete ozone.
another name is mathematicsMathematics
another name for a play