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Q: What is another name for a two hundredth anniversary?
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The two hundredth anniversary of an event?


What is the name of a two hundredth anniversary?

A Bicentennial. The United States celebrated the Bicentennial in 1976, celebrating 200 years of its freedom and existance.

How can you use the word bicentennial in a sentence?

We celebrated the two hundredth anniversary of our country with many bicentennial events and parties.

What is anniversary?

A remembrance on the day that two people who are married or who are together met and became a couple. An ANNIVERSARY is another year since . There are stacks of things an year since you can say eg. Another year since finishing school = Anniversary ea. year that date , Or you can say another Anniversary is your Birthday ---another year ---another Anniversary

What is half of one hundredth?

One two hundredth (0.005).

Is it smart to say two-month anniversary or second month anniversary?

Two-month anniversary is the most common and professional

What is two tenths written as a hundredth?

0.2 = tenth 0.20 = hundredth

How do you write fifty-two and one hundredth in standard form?

Fifty-two and one hundredth in standard form is 52.01

What is the decimal for two hundredth?


Why should people ride the Erie Canal?

Today people should take a ride to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary. Two hundred years ago they should have taken the ride because it was faster and cheaper than any other way to get from New York to the Midwest.

How do you write one and thirty two hundredth?

1.32 'and' represents the decimal and hundredth is two places from the decimal point.

How do you round 47 to the nearest hundredth?

It is at the nearest hundredth, so put two zeroes on the end: 47.00